I have a passion for tinkering with technology and enjoy building projects to solidify my understanding. Below are some of the projects I’ve worked on (but not limited to). Feel free to reach out if you’d like to contribute or engage in a meaningful discussion about the technologies employed in these projects.

Table of contents


Major Projects


Link: https://app.chhaano.com

Summary: Chhaano is a real estate listing application which allows people to list

Works done:

  • Collaborated with a team of 5 developers, overseeing project technicalities, setting up best practices, code reviews, and ensuring adherence to timelines.

  • Designed and developed backend API with authentication, and authorization, a real estate listing website, featuring OTP verification and stateless password reset mechanisms while keeping the response time under 200ms.

  • Designed and implemented deployment infrastructure to host the services in Kubernetes using Helm, Ansible, and Terraform.

  • Built an internal event-driven microservice for seamless listing management via SlackOps improving the listings management by 80%.

  • Orchestrated DevOps processes, including CI/CD pipelines, configuration management, and automated deployment, resulting in streamlined development and release workflow.

  • Collaborated with UI/UX engineers to integrate new features and improve user experience.

  • Initiated a “secure by design” effort to ensure the codebase is resilient to security attacks.

  • Implemented comprehensive security measures, including regular vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and implementing security patches, resulting in a secure application with no significant security incidents.

  • Conducted regular code reviews and mentored junior developers, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

  • Implemented SRE practices ensuring high availability and reliability of the application, resulting in a remarkable 99.9% uptime rate.

Technologies used: REST, Webhooks, JIRA, Go, Docker, Snyk, Prometheus, Grafana, Sentry, Docker-Compose, Gin, Kubernetes, MongoDB, Mongo Atlas, Redis, Cloudinary, Cloudflare, Istio


Link: https://podyssey.dhikilabs.com

Summary: Podyssey is a high quality tech podcast suggestion platform which recommends podcasts directly to subscribers cell phone.

Works done:

  • Co-developed an app that recommends high-quality tech podcasts to users' cell phones daily.

  • Established a pub-sub service utilizing Apache Kafka to ensure efficient data distribution, and reliable delivery, eliminating potential bottlenecks.

  • Engineered an SMS API to seamlessly integrate internal services with external messaging vendors like Twilio.

  • Devised a pub-sub serivice to initiate events based on user preferences to enhance system functionality.

Technologies used: API, Mongo, Kafka, Go, Gin, Docker, Traefik, MongoDB, Mongo Atlas, CI/CD, Twilio, NextJS

Geniee Web / CLI

Link: https://github.com/geniee-ai/geniee-cli

Summary: The CLI-based app facilitates direct interaction with ChatGPT through the terminal. It incorporates an authentication and authorization microservice, employing token-based authentication to verify users. This ensures secure access to the application. Users can pose questions to ChatGPT within the terminal environment, streamlining the interaction process.

Works done:

  • Developed a robust Web API, seamlessly connecting with OpenAI ChatGPT, ensuring swift and accurate responses for consumers.

  • Crafted an intuitive web portal, providing users with a seamless login experience and enabling them to generate their Personal Access Token ( PAT ) effortlessly

  • Implemented a token-based authentication system, bolstering security and ensuring that the CLI app can securely authenticate before making requests to the API server.

  • Engineered a CLI application, empowering users to effortlessly access the geniee Web API and tap into the rich capabilities of OpenAI ChatGPT. This allows for a streamlined and efficient interaction with the system, enhancing user experience and productivity.

Technology used: Go, Cobra, Gin, Terraform, ReactJS, Docker, Firebase, OpenAI

JIRA issue Traiging using ChatGPT

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9RYJOyJgqw

Summary: As tech professionals, most of us already might have a system which automatically creates JIRA ticket when any issue is encountered or bug is discovered. I think we all can agree that no one likes blunt bug report with no direction how to resolve it, but what if there was a way to make bug triaging fun and manageable. Basically that was the idea behind this work. My goal with this intial poc was to see if i could integrate geniee to triage issue for us much earlier and provide some pointers to engineers to resolve issues quicker.

Works done:

  • Developed an event-driven system for bug triaging

  • Integrated “geniee” ( a project i did to use ChatGPT via terminal , explained above ) to assist in early issue triage

  • Created a webhook handler service for trigger-based actions

  • Implemented communication between Geniee and ChatGPT for suggestions and comments on JIRA tickets

Technologies used: Webhooks, JIRA, Go, Docker, Docker-Compose, API, Firebase, OAuth

Minor Projects

DEA Checker

Link: https://github.com/pgaijin66/dea

Summary: The GoLang package is designed to verify if an email address provided during the signup or registration process is a Disposable Email Address (DEA). By utilizing this package, developers can efficiently prevent users from using temporary or disposable email addresses, enhancing the integrity of their user database. This tool adds an extra layer of security and reliability to the registration process, ensuring that authentic and legitimate email addresses are used for account creation.

Works done:

  • Developed a POC on checking DEA using Go.

  • Implemented different to verify whether email is disposable email or not.

  • Made project reusable by making it available as a package so that user can import and use it.

Technologies used: Go

Better Commit

Link: https://github.com/pgaijin66/bc

Summary: This tool was build to build a habit of writing better commit messages, create queryable branch, prevent committing to main branch. It is a wrapper around git which helps you to build a habit of writing better git messages.

Technology used: Bash, Github Actions

Auth0 Golang

Link: https://github.com/pgaijin66/Google-OAuth-using-Auth0-and-Golang

Summary: This mini-project demonstrates the implementation of OAuth2 for authentication and authorization in a REST API. It specifically showcases how to integrate with Google’s OAuth server for user login. This allows users to securely authenticate using their Google credentials, providing a seamless and trusted login experience for the application.

Work done:

  • Implemented OAuth2 for authentication and authorization in a REST API

  • Integrated with Google’s OAuth server for user login using Auth0 by Okta platform.

Technology used: Go, Javascript, Auth0, OAuth

Gin Framework Snippets

Link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Dhikilabs.gin-snippets

Summary: This VSCODE extension provides pre-written code snippets for creating web applications using the Gin framework in the Go programming language. By the time of documenting this, it has already crossed over 1000+ installations. yay

Technology used: TS, Go, Gin


Major Projects

Kube cleanupper

Link: https://github.com/pgaijin66/kube-cleanupper

Summary: kube-cleanupper is a kubernetes helper service which will scout throught out your cluster and clean up the objects which are maked to be deleted withtin the given period of time.

Technology used: Bash, Kubernetes Jobs

Minor Projects


Link: https://github.com/pgaijin66/tinyrp

Summary: TinyRP is a minimalist HTTP reverse proxy built in the Go programming language. It provides a straightforward and lightweight solution for handling HTTP requests, allowing for easy redirection and routing of traffic. This tool is designed for simplicity and efficiency, making it an ideal choice for projects that require a lean and uncomplicated reverse proxy solution.

Technology used: Go

Scalable AWS Terraform repository template

Link: https://github.com/pgaijin66/aws-terraform-template

Summary: Production ready terraform codebase to build and deploy AWS resources. This repository will hold terraform repository designed for scalability and maintainability.

Technology used: Terraform, AWS

Terraform module for Creating managed kubernetes in Digital Ocean

Link: https://github.com/pgaijin66/kubernetes-terraform-digitalocean

Summary: Reusable kubernetes module in Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service. Import the module into your code and specify the release version.

Technology used: Terraform


Minor Projects

Infrastructure Monitoriong

Link: https://github.com/pgaijin66/Infrastructure-Monitoring

Docker LDAP

Link: https://github.com/pgaijin66/Docker-LDAP/commits/master


Minor Projects


Link: https://github.com/pgaijin66/SRDTracer

Analysis of DSDV and AODV

Link: https://github.com/pgaijin66/Analysis-of-DSDV-and-AODV


Minor Projects


Link: https://github.com/pgaijin66/XSS-Payloads